October 24, 2003

From the 'things are goin' great!' dept
Fri October 24, 2003 10:22 AM - Two U.S. soldiers were killed in a mortar attack near the Iraqi town of Samarra on Friday, a U.S. military spokeswoman said. The spokeswoman said four soldiers were wounded in the attack, which took place just before noon around 60 miles north of the capital. - - link.

Press underreports wounded in Iraq
'Few newspapers routinely report injuries in Iraq, beyond references to specific incidents. Since the war began in March, 1,927 soldiers have been wounded in Iraq, many quite severely. (The tally is current as of Oct. 20.) Of this number, 1,590 were wounded in hostile action, and 337 from other causes. About 20% of the injured in Iraq have suffered severe brain injuries, and as many as 70% had the potential for resulting in brain injury.' - - link.

Iraq: the missing billions
A 'financial black hole': 'A staggering US$4 billion in oil revenues and other Iraqi funds earmarked for the reconstruction of the country has disappeared into opaque bank accounts administered by the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), the US-controlled body that rules Iraq. By the end of the year, if nothing changes in the way this cash is accounted for, that figure will double.'

Remembering those lost for Iraqi oil
'The names today raise anger on two levels, because they died so young, and for so useless a reason.'

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