October 1, 2003

How do you parse treason?
"Remember that Ashcroft was lifted up from the ash heap of infamy by Bush after he lost his 2000 senate re-election bid to a dead man, former Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan, who had been killed in a plane crash just prior to the election. Ashcroft has had no compunction about forcing reporters to surrender their notes and records (which we don't condone), but don't expect him to be grilling Bob Novak anytime soon. After all, some might say Novak is really a part of the administration working under cover as a journalist.

"John 'KGB' Ashcroft was selected for the same reason many other losers were appointed to the Bush administration. Losers who are raised to positions of prominence stay loyal. The fact that Bush, according to his press secretary, hasn't even asked anyone on his staff about the act of treason is a clear signal, in and of itself, to Ashcroft to whitewash the whole incident." - - from a BuzzFlash editorial.

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