October 22, 2003

Saint Ronnie biopic has repugs twitching
'[F]riends and relatives of the ailing Mr. Reagan are expressing growing concern that this deconstruction of his presidency is shot through a liberal lens, exaggerating his foibles and giving short shrift to his accomplishments. That the part of Mr. Reagan is played by James Brolin, who is married to the conservative bĂȘte noire Barbra Streisand and who makes no secret of his own liberal politics, only intensifies their fears.'

"Hollywood has been hijacked by the liberal left," said dickwad son Michael Reagan.

Huh. Funny, they seemed pretty happy with Hollywood when Gee-Dumbya's propaganda film DC 9/11: Time of Crisis came out. And don't get me started on Arnold.

Which leads to this, sent in by tsn -

Senator Byrd, major media spread coverage of Bush-Nazi nexus
'US Senator Robert Byrd, on the floor of Congress, on October 17, has explicitly compared the Bush media operation to that run by Herman Goering, mastermind of the Nazi putsch against the German people.

'Like Senator Byrd, tens of millions of Americans are deeply worried that this administration has waged an unprecedented assault on American civil rights and liberties. It has shredded the Constitution and the natural environment as none other in US history. Its unprovoked attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq have prompted thoughtful comparisons to the unprovoked Nazi invasion of Poland in 1939. Its illegal detainment center at Guantanamo and its cavalier use of the drug war, the prison system and the powers arrogated through the Patriot Act and the Homeland Security apparatus have brought the US to the brink of dictatorship.

'Given the horrific reality of what the GOP is now doing to America and the world, we should be profoundly thankful that the public is uneasy.'

- - from Harvey Wasserman and Bob Fitrakis, co-authors of GEORGE W. BUSH VERSUS THE SUPERPOWER OF PEACE.

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