November 17, 2003

L is for the way you're loathed by me
O is for the only term you'll see
A is AWOL, asshole;
T for toxic taxcuts
H is for the hypocritical holier-than-thou hopheadism


"Because liberals are now finally starting to fight back, [NYT columnist Nicholas] Kristoff is buying into the Right's new meme that it's all 'Bush hating.' Well it's not. It's also Cheney hating, Rumsfeld hating, Wolfowitz hating, Rice hating, DeLay hating etc., etc. This is not tit for tat, a retaliation for Clinton. F**k Bill Clinton. This is about a senseless, vicious war, a braindead tax policy, and an astonishingly manipulative and churlish administration that plays by its own rules... In any event, 'hate' is entirely the wrong word. Revulsion, contempt, disgust, loathing, disapproval, enmity and repugnance are all much closer in nuance to the actual rejection Bush's clowns are experiencing." - - Mark Gisleson.

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