November 13, 2003

US wants ban on protests during Bush visit
"The police are under pressure from the Americans"

Anti-war protesters in the UK claim that US authorities have demanded a rolling "exclusion zone" around Snippy the Emperor-Chimp during his visit, as well as a ban on marches in parts of central London.

The Stop The War Coalition says that it has also been told by British officials that the Bushies want distance kept between Jesus' Little Jerkoff and protesters, for security reasons and to prevent their appearance in the same television shots.

"So spare a thought for Tony Blair - his guest is the most unpopular US president in living memory.'

According to some in the UK, it is Washington, not London, which is driving next week's visit - the time best suits the reboob "re"-election effort, so that is the week he is coming. A source for the Guardian smells the stench of Karl Rove: "Rove is driving the timing and image-making of all this."

'If this is the White House's thinking, some UK officials wonder if they might have blundered. The best pictures from next week may be of a giant Bush statue being toppled, Saddam style, in Trafalgar Square.'

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