January 24, 2004

So - when did you stop beating your wife?
Cheney denies wrongdoing.

Halliburton's problems deepened as Dick 'Chicanery' Cheney's "former" company fired two workers and pledged to repay the Pentagon $6.3 million for possible kickbacks involving its work in Iraq.

So, then - when did you stop lying about beating your wife?
Cheney denies Iraq's lack of wmd.

Former chief U.S. arms hunter David Kay has concluded Iraq had no stockpiles of biological and chemical weapons, a potential embarrassment for lying fascist punk pReznit Evil and ammunition to his election-year Democratic rivals. "I don't think they existed," he said.

Meanwhile, Dick 'dick' Cheney, attending the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, still believed 'the jury's still out' on whether Iraq had wmd.

OK, when WAS the last time you beat your wife?
Cheney denies quotes on deficits.

Lyin' Dick Cheney said Saturday that "deficits do matter," rebuffing claims by former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill that the vice president told him they were not critical to U.S. economic stability.

"I do think deficits matter. They matter in the long run. You do have to worry about them," Cheney said. "Habbitta habbitta habbitta...."

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