February 23, 2004

'Right below genital herpes'
"An uproar over illegal immigration roiled the [California] Republican convention on Saturday as party leaders struggled to keep the rank and file united behind Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and President Bush.

"Hundreds of GOP loyalists booed the president at a rally where Senate hopeful Howard Kaloogian and his allies denounced Bush's plan to give temporary legal status to undocumented workers."

Also on the shit list was Governator Ahnold and his scheme to borrow $15 billion to try to balance the state budget.

"Enough is enough!" the crowd shouted. "Enough is enough!"


Speaking of herpes, in a recent focus group that GOP pollster/chancroid Frank Luntz ran for MSNBC, technicians had to adjust the volume levels because the Bush 'haters' were "so gosh-darn loud" they were drowning out the lying fascist punk's supporters, who were more numerous.

"It was a real problem," Luntz said. Douchebag. For whom?

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