The war preznit, keeping us safe, blah blah blah
Osama reveals he has the records of Bush's Alabama Guard duty.
Remember Bunnypants' "with us or against us" spiel? Well, Sheriff Shithead, the little sneak, sensing trouble in the upcoming election-charade, has cut a deal with terrist-harboring Pakistan. The country will allow US troops in to "hunt for Osama" in return for the WH sticking their fingers in their ears and going la la la over President Musharraf's pardon of Abdul Khan, the worst nuclear-arms proliferator in the world."
Of course, Pakistan says the story about a deal is crap.
Meanwhile, the Pentagon, White House, and Pakistan government were 'scrambling to deny and suppress a potentially cataclysmic story leaked by Tehran radio: Osama Bin Laden was captured by the US some time ago and is being held on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. The same area, of course, where the "triumphant sweep" of US troops is supposed to be staged... er, take place...in the Spring. The same area where a big show is being made (after three years!) of methodically searching for OBL. What a hoot! No wonder OBL was able to make all those videos - they were probably produced by the Pentagon! Btw, the Pakistani foreign minister initially would neither confirm nor deny the radio claim' (thanks to democrats.com!).
Oh yeah...Afghanistan..... Time magazine reports: The Taliban is showing signs of a comeback, with forces loyal to Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar now controlling nearly one-third of the country's territory.
Martha Stewart! The Oscars! 9/11!
Oil over principles
Then there's Libya...
Youssef M. Ibrahim, a former NY Times Middle East correspondent writes "What has happened here? Is Libya not the country run by a ruthless, unbalanced dictator -- Moammar Gadhafi - the man who ordered the blowing up of two airplanes filled with innocent American and French civilians? Is he not the same person who imprisoned thousands of his own citizens? Unlike Syria or Iran, which are far more important geopolitically, Libya has virtually no influence and is a certified terrorist regime. Why seek its favor?"
Easy: oil. 'America is running out of places where it has an assured supply of oil. The Saudis are growing distant. Iran is out of reach. The North Sea and Alaska, prime sources of oil supplies, are beginning to run dry. Although Iraq was seen as a potential US gasoline pump, things didn't quite work out that way' (thanks to democrats.com).
Hey, at least our dear leader is actively tracking down the major threat to the security of America today: gays and teachers.
And back in the aWol wonderboob's war-for-04: A large explosion was heard Monday in central Baghdad and appeared to have come from the vicinity of the headquarters of the US occupation authority. Shortly after the blast, a Black Hawk helicopter circled over the green zone, the compound that includes Saddam's former palace and serves as headquarters of the US-led coalition. There were no immediate details on the cause of the blast (via email from a coworker).
March 1, 2004
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3/01/2004 02:39:00 PM
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