March 25, 2004

Who's got the credibility problem???
Yesterday the White House violated its own long-standing rule by having propaganda mouthpiece Faux Nooze air remarks favorable to the Smirking Moron that Richard Clarke had made anonymously at a briefing in 2002.

Then they sent out worthless national insecurity advisor Condoleezza Rice, who, though refusing to give public testimony to the commission, has appeared on just about every morning/news show in creation. To top things off, she not only held a press conference in her office, but - instead of facing the families of the victims - hid out at the Fux studios for an "exclusive interview" with insHannity and Corpse.

'If Condi's so hot to trot out her version of the facts, why doesn't she put her hand on the Bible and sit down for a little give-and-take with the commission?' - gratuitous, at the BC forum. Indeed.

Speaking of WH whores, Wolf 'I'm wearing Karl's panties on my head!' Blitzer, unbiased journalist and hard news-guy, held forth on (inter)national TV and not, as you would expect, from in front of a urinal in the CNN mens' room:

"Well, John, I get the sense not only what Dr. Rice just said to you and other reporters at the White House, but what administration officials have been saying since the weekend, basically that Richard Clarke from their vantage point was a disgruntled former government official, angry because he didn't get a certain promotion. He's got a hot new book out now that he wants to promote. He wants to make a few bucks, and that his own personal life, they're also suggesting that there are some weird aspects in his life as well, that they don't know what made this guy come forward and make these accusations against the president."
You could almost hear the squelch...squish... sounds of the santorum blooping lazily through his underpants at that moment. Yes, it WAS repulsive. Read that quote again, and tell me it doesn't make you want to puke. If CNN had any balls they'd sack his sorry ass. Before Clarke gets a chance to sue them all.

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