April 27, 2004

Dems blast Bush military record
From AFP: Democrats launched an assault on George W. Bush's military record, suggesting it was marked by privileged treatment and unanswered questions while their challenger John Kerry fought in Vietnam.

The Democratic campaign issued a list of questions on Bush's record in the Texas Air National Guard a day after Kerry exploded at Republican jibes over his Vietnam war decorations and his later anti-war activities. ....

Among the questions raised: "Bush has said he used no special treatment to get into the Guard. How does he explain the fact that he jumped ahead of 150 applicants despite low pilot-aptitude scores?"

"Why did Bush specifically request to not be sent overseas for duty?"

"Why did Bush miss his medical exam in 1972?"

"Why is the Pentagon under orders not to discuss Bush's record with reporters?"

The Democrats also renewed questions about whether Bush shirked duty from May 1972 to May 1973, during which he worked on an unsuccessful US Senate campaign in the state of Alabama and received an early release to attend Harvard Business School.

And the whole press release from the Kerry campaign is here. Beautiful!

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