But he's not saying anything!
Wuh? I sat through the chimp's speech last night thinking now he's promising all this crap? Where the #uck has he been the past four years?!
Even the repub bf was scratching his head, going 'blah blah blah...' and commenting on not only how boring it was, but where was the lying little fascist going to come up with the money to do all that shit, anyway.
Though I went to bed before Chris Matthews' post-convention bukkake fest, I woke up to uberwhore and toe-sucker Dick Morris's fellate-a-thon:
With a rhetorical flourish worthy of the great speeches of all time, George W. Bush has transformed the war into a battle for liberty. In a speech that was at once eloquent and substantive, sensitive and dynamic, profound and familiar, Bush has risen to a level few presidents have ever reached. Sometimes a strategist just has to sit back and gasp.I guess I pretty much speak for everybody when I say I want what he's taking.

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