Zell Miller backs Bush, and books himself a place in hell
- Full article at the London News Review.If hell exists; which one can only hope that it does, because if God exists then he's no kind of God unless he creates a hell for Democrat Senator Zell Miller to burn in.
In fact, even if the universe exists without a God, as many would contend, then it may still be within the inarticulate power of this vast mass of galaxies, nebulae and planets to create - within itself - a dark and steaming corner of itself where Mr. Zell Miller can dwell, for eternity, in unspeakable pain.
We can call it hell or we can call it Georgia. Just so long as Senator Zell Miller suffers in it.
"Where is the bipartisanship in this country when we need it most?" - the crazed attention whore, at the convention last night.
Good question, you imbecile.
"Geez - Zell Miller's a kook!"- the repub bf.
"The Democratic party left Zell Miller when it stopped being racist."- emailer sd72.
"In those remarks, Miller ignored the cuts in military spending that Vice President Dick Cheney pushed as defense secretary under the first President Bush. Cheney canceled the Navy F-14D Tomcat fighter and sent Congress a budget that proposed curtailing production of the B-2."- Yahoo news.
Zellout "started his career working for [Lester] Maddox, a man of hate, and that's how he ended it."- loyal republican David Gergen, who completely trashed Zig-Zag's speech on Larry King Live, calling it "divisive" and "hateful."
Indeed. What a bitter and frightening little person. An angry, bitter little man endorsing another angry, bitter little man. A few times during his speech he almost started foaming at the mouth. I was sitting there thinking my god, any second now he's going to give the nazi salute. Or start mumbling brains.... brains...
Oh, did we mention he's trying to sell a book?
Pathetic. And btw, yes, he did challenge Chris Matthews to a duel. When Tweety actually called him on some of his more questionable comments. God, what a psycho. Here's the video.
TIM RUSSERT: "But on defense and intelligence authorization bills, you have the same voting record as John Kerry."
ZELL MILLER: ... (big-ass pause here) "I didn't try to cut (more stammering here)... now ultimately he came along and voted for some."
- Meet the Press, 8/1/04.
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