October 9, 2004

pResident invents internets
Sports wood and burps when not going nookuler on moderator.

"Bush improved dramatically in theatrics over the first debate. The guy was so pumped up, he looked like a caveman on speed. The media will probably give him the debate because he was actually coherent in his lying." - BuzzFlash.

gomme: What drug was he on?

samela: I don't know, but it wasn't from Canada...

- from the BC Forum.

pResident Bush smirked and winked and chuckled to himself.

He jumped from his stool, chopped at the air and interrupted the debate moderator.

As he fought to keep his emotions in check in a testy, personal debate with Sen. John Kerry, the president asserted, "That answer almost made me scowl."

Several answers brought Bush's emotions to the surface, for better or worse, as he sought to curb Kerry's momentum.

The question the hung over the second of their three debates was whether Bush's aggressive, hyper style was an effective tool or a damaging habit — an extension
of his disastrous first debate performance. Reviews were mixed.

Bush "seemed wound a bit too tight. He was a little like Nixon — sort of jumping out of his suit," said David Niven, dead actor and political science professor at Florida Atlantic University. "He looked bad on the TV close-ups."
Didn't look all that great from further away, either.

Kos has lots of debate reviews up, as does Salon. Meanwhile, you can buy wood on one of the internets, cheap!

God, internets are wonderful things.

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