November 16, 2004

God have mercy
RimJob's retarded nutbags Christian 'love thy neighbor' Jebusbots discuss the alleged execution of an insurgent in Iraq and the alleged murder of aid worker Margaret Hassan:

I say we went to easy on him! The guy should have pulled out his combat knife, grabbed the video camera, and went in for a close-up! These Arag dogs slinking in the shadows and lunging out to catch a WOMAN for their prey...I want them dead. They wanna meet Allah? Fine. Let's arrange the meeting. Forget this building-by-building crap. Go to Syria and get the chemical weapons Saddam sent them, and start spraying them around.

I guess it depends on who they are aborting as to just how bad it is. I mean, what if it had been Hilwitch? Or Barbra's Streisand? Or that lovely, lovely person JaneAnne Barfalot? Or Whoooopi Goldbrick? You see. Its all relative.

She was not one of our women but opposed efforts to bring justice to Iraq. I have few tears to shed for someone who rejects her Christian religion to join lunatics. Next.

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