November 16, 2004

Head of 'family values' party a homosexual
Gay Bush campaign chair to join gay chief financial officer at helm of rabidly anti-gay GOP, won't admit to his gayness.

Ken "manmeat' Mehlman will join two other top republicans who practice a deviant anti-family lifestyle: The highly principled chief financial officer Jay Banning, and the party’s number two {heh} political director Daniel 'Girly-man' Gurley.

Banning, who is out at work, has been CFO for the Republican Party since 1983. While collecting nearly $300 million in the 2004 election cycle for the most explicitly anti-gay platform the party has held in history, said he has no problem with spending tens of millions of dollars to restrict the rights of a group he’s part of.

“I don’t seem to have a problem with it,” Banning said in September. “I’m not in the policy area.”

Party mullahs Jerry Falwell, Bob Jones, and James Dobson could not be reached for comment.

Ken Mehlman taking it up
the ass for Jebus. Allegedly.

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