November 11, 2004

Leading candidate for chairman of the Republican National Committee may not like bush that much.

Is Bush campaign manager Ken Mehlman ghey?

Not that there's anything wrong with that... except for the fact that the Bush Fedayeen "has made it perfectly clear that gays and lesbians are a threat to the fabric of society," and that Mehlman has gone along with that view, including endorsing the idea of a federal constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.

Were Mehlman a rump ranger, he'd be guilty of hypocrisy and encouraging gayness, and therefore unAmerican and worthy of eternal damnation.

Americans have a right to know which side of the culture war Ken Mehlman is on, and whether, as RNC chair, he's would be a fifth columnist for those very forces that the RNC tells us are out to steal America's Bibles and jam homosexual sex down its throats and the throats of its children.
Hell, even our dogs.

Does Ken Mehlman swallow the santorum?
Contact your representative

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