November 3, 2004

My country, full of shit
Jason at The Game and How We Played It says it so much better than I can.

After Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911, all the books chronicling all the Bush fuckups the past 4 years, the bloggers, the Daily Show, the media watchdogs, the get-out-the-vote movement, Abu Graib, Halliburton, the missing weapons, the growing insurgency, over 1120 US troops dead, lost jobs and outsourcing, Osama looking like he just came back from vacationing at San Tropez, the debates, the lies lies lies lies...

Just what the fuck were you thinking?????

Well, here you go. Time to bend over and take it home, you assholes. You deserve it, you blind fucks.
I need a drink to wash the bad taste out of my mouth.

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