February 16, 2005

Howard Kurtz, WH WHore, outstupids himself
The continuing saga of a slimy shill getting paid by a once-reputable news organization for being a spooge-dripping gpuke towelboy.

Today's chapter: In another lefty-blogger-bashing column in the WaComPo, wHoreward either completely misses the point or chooses to, well, prostitute himself - and gets a new nickname in the process: "Kneepads."

The X-rated twist has made for a lot of clandestine clicking in a town where Deep Throat conjures images not of a porn star but of a man in a parking garage. But it has also deepened the debate over blogging and the tactics used to drive a conservative reporter from his job as White House correspondent for two Web sites owned by a Republican activist. In most Beltway melodramas, the resignation ends the story.

Blah blah blah. Spurt spurt spurt. Gee, Howie, did you make as big a stink when Bill Clinton was being hounded? Or Eason Jordan? What about when Gannon himself "reported" last year - falsely, what a surprise - that a former Kerry intern had had an affair with the senator? You hypocritical whore. How can you sleep at night with the WH dick jammed up your ass like that? Is that why you always have that shit-eating grin on your stupid phiz? Well, here's something special, just for you -


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