March 1, 2005

Ten or so inches of snow = 50 bucks to our snowplow guy = 2-hour delayed opening at work!

Thanks so much to everyone who emailed me! I'm sorry if anyone's mail bounced - we got so much porn spam the inbox clogged. I spent hours last night trying to clear the crappola out of there, and I'm still not finished. Plus we have Earthlink, which sucks wet monkey ass in that you only get so much inbox space, unless you're willing to fork over for more. I may change the addy to my Yahoo account later. I also got some mail written in some strange font - Greek? Finnish? Klingon? I'm going to try to decipher it later today.

Going nooculer
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter (R-Cranky) and Sen. John McCain (R-Anklegrabbingpussy) warned their freedom-hating rethug colleagues that using the "nuclear option" to ban filibustering "would be disastrous for America."

Meanwhile, Sen. Joe Biden (D-Schizo) is again suffering from the dreaded Liebermania.


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