April 7, 2005

Best wishes to my little cat SpiceGirl, who's at the vet recovering from the Big Snip.


Crude liberal bias! Political dirty tricks! Forgery! Dan Rather!
Eat it, repukes. And while you're at it, would you like some whine with that crow?

Fuc Tucker Carlson on Chris Matthews' show:

"Last week a memo surfaced, reportedly written by the Republican members of Congress explaining how to make hay with the Terri Schiavo case. I think within a week or two it will become clear that that memo was a forgery, possibly written by Democrats on the hill in an effort to discredit Republicans. Bloggers are saying that now and it sounds like they may be right."

Counsel to GOP senator wrote memo on politicizing Schiavo case
After weeks of conservative mouthpieces and webtroglodytes challenging its authenticity, an aide to Sen. Mel Martinez (R-Fla.) finally admitted yesterday that he was the author of the infamous "great political issue ... and a tough issue for Democrats" memo (Martinez said he himself had not read the memo, just "inadvertently passed it on." Uh-huh. The "I'm a clueless dumbass who doesn't know what my staff is doing" defense.).

Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) said he always believed that the memo originated with the GOP because it is "totally consistent" with how the rethugs have operated for the past four years.

Snort. Word to that.


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