July 11, 2005

The first bands of Hurricane Dennis hit Panama City, Florida, 7/9/05.

That's our pretzeldent

"George W. Bush has consistently argued that despite his fabulous strategy, winning the war on international terrorism may not be as easy as falling off a bicycle. Fortunately Our Great Leader has at least got the falling off a bicycle part down pat."
- from this week's Top 10 Conservative Idiots at DemoUnderground.

It's a mad, mad, mad, mad W....
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton compared Preznit Stupid to the famous Mad magazine character in a speech in Aspen Sunday.

"I sometimes feel that Alfred E. Neuman is in charge in Washington," Clinton said, describing Bush's attitude toward tough issues as "What, me worry?"

"Hard work. Standin' firm. Now watch this drive!"
Pic from The Nation.

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