July 14, 2005

"Rush Limbaugh started his show yesterday by saying the Rove controversy was a 'non-story'. Can someone explain to me, then, why he spent that entire show, and today's entire show, on that very subject?"
- headline at Fark.

Political partisan smear

'Bush's right-hand man is dispatching his troops to smear Joe Wilson -- and save himself.'

This is Karl Rove's war. From his command post next to the Oval Office in the West Wing of the White House, he is furiously directing the order of battle. The Republican National Committee lobs its talking points across Washington, its chairman forays the no-man's-land of CNN. Rove's lawyer, Fox News and the Wall Street Journal editorial board are sent over the top. Newt Gingrich and Tom DeLay man the ramparts, defending Rove's character.

[T]he law doesn't cite [revealing the name] as a felony; it only specifies revealing the "identity" as a crime. It says nothing about a "name." Rove revealed "Joe Wilson's wife." That qualifies as an "identity." By the way, Plame did not go by the name of Plame, but Wilson -- in other words, Mrs. Wilson, or "Joe Wilson's wife."

- Sidney Blumenthal.

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