July 11, 2005

Why does that dead horse hate America?
Crackpot Senator believes that the Terri Shiavo autopsy is inaccurate, despite not having actually examined the body himself.

"I have on my desk a complete medical file of Terri Schiavo, and I would challenge the accuracy of many of the statements by people involved in that case in terms of her medical condition, and I would also challenge some of the autopsy findings based on what I have on my desk in Washington," US Sen./assclown Tom Coburn said.

Coburn is an obstetrician and gynecologist and is not trained as a pathologist or medical examiner. Nor has he ever examined Terri Schiavo's body.

Coburn is in a position to comment on the case because "he has read many autopsy reports during his career of practicing medicine," his spokesman said.

And because he's brain-dead himself.


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