August 8, 2005

Brat camp
"Power is being president."
An' it's hard work!

"I have a busy couple of weeks down here, and I have a lot - going to have meetings with people who come - from my administration who come down, the economic people," Bunnypants sputtered from The Lazy W, where he is spending his five-week summer vacation.

Never a big fan of Washington, the president much prefers spending aimless, brain-dead days on his broiling, arid fake ranch, where he can clear brush, toodle around in his truck, ride his bike an' play The Outlaw Josie Wales Asspounds Some Damn America-hatin' Injins.

Fun fact: Bush takes about as many days off each year as a typical worker in France, a nation whose men and women are not dying in Iraq by the metric shitloads.


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