August 2, 2005

Bush: intelligent design should be taught
"Bush says schools should teach intelligent design, pointing out no rationally explainable universe could produce him as President." - headline at Fark.

"Rarely is the question asked: is our children learning?" - Preznit Stupid, Jan 11, 2000.

The Chimp-in-Chief said Monday he believes schools should discuss "intelligent design" - you know, that God created the universe some 6000 years ago, and the Grand Canyon is where Jebus's dad took a leak a few years back - alongside evolution when teaching students.

"I think that part of education is to expose people to different schools of thought," Bush said. "You're asking me whether or not people ought to be exposed to different ideas, the answer is yes."

So, in name of fairness, the following should also be taught, then?Babylonian Creation Myth
African Creation Myth - Olori
African - Mande, Yoruba Creation Myths
4 More African Creation Myths
5 More African Creation Myths
Navajo Creation Myth
Norse Creation Myth
Creation Myth from India
Comanche Creation Myth
Chinese Creation Myth
Pima Creation Myth
Mayan Creation Myth
Australian Aboriginal Creation Myth
Hopi Creation Myth
Tahitian Creation Myth
Egyptian Creation Myths
Micmac Creation Myth
Lakota Creation Myth
Romania, Mongol, etc..
Flood MythAssyrian / Babylonian Creation Myth
Maori Creation Myth
Aztec Creation Myth
Apache Creation Myth
Dakota Creation Myth
Hungarian Creation Myth
Iroquois Creation Myth
Inuit Creation Myth
Hawaiian Creation Myth
Several different short Creation Stories
Jewish Creation Myth (Genesis)

All these links taken from here (thanks to SPG).


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