August 12, 2005

Cropped from original pic by HBFarker.

What did the president know and when did he know it?
Probe investigates issue of what Karl Rove told Preznit Responsibility.

Whether Rove shaded the truth with Bush two years ago is a potential political problem. The president so far has stood by Rove's side, even raising the bar for dismissing subordinates. Two years ago, Bush pledged to fire any leakers, but now he says he would fire anyone who committed a crime.

If Rove didn't tell Bush the truth, that theoretically could be a legal problem for the presidential aide under the federal false statement statute.

Law professor Peter Henning said the false statement law covers statements made to all members of the executive branch, including the president acting in his official capacity.

Presidential scholars say a White House's refusal to comment can suggest an administration in political trouble.

Heh. Oh please oh please oh please.

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