August 5, 2005

Lowest... poll numbers... ever
As horrendous death toll rises in Bush's Folly.

Approval of Preznit aWol's handling of Iraq is at its lowest level yet, according to a new poll that also found more than half now think he's dishonest.

Though the Chimp-in-Chief is still seen as "strong and likable" like that nice retarded boy down the street, the lazy, rich idiot's confidence is seen as arrogance by a growing number of people.

"This country is a monarchy," said Charles Nuutinen, a 62-year-old independent from Wis. "He's turning this country into Saudi Arabia. He does what he wants. He doesn't care what the people want."

"Heh - ah'm still preznit, though, ain't I? Heh heh."

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