August 5, 2005


I think I have figured out why Preznit Cowpie is taking such a long vacation.

I read that he's "...clearing brush..." again. How much "brush" does Compound W have, anyway? Does he live too close to the railroad tracks? Is he really a homeless guy?

No, I think that he gets out his chainsaw and cuts down everything that surrounds his home. The circle just keeps getting bigger and bigger, so it takes longer and longer....and anyway, it cuts down on Cheney's babysitting time.


"Compound W" - snicker! If I gave a patootie I'd almost have to feel sorry for Stepford-wifeypoo Pickles, forced to spend a month at that tick-infested hellhole while Chimpy swaggers around pretending to be a manly Clint Eastwood-type cowpoke. But she's probably happy just sitting in her darkened bedroom swilling gin and reading romance novels with Fabio on the cover.

And Leslie writes:

Our Preznit said (referring to a reporter's question about the latest Al-Quida videotape) that "As I have told the American people, people like Zawahri have an ideology that is dark, dim, backwards... They don't trust, they don't appreciate women. If you don't agree to their narrow view of religion, you're whipped in the public square."

Honest to god, Maru, WTF?!!! We have soldiers piling up like cordwood over there, and he's concerned that they don't appreciate WOMEN?

They hate freedom! An'... an' wimmin! As opposed to fine reboobs like Rick Santorum, who'd rather have all women slaving in the kitchen until their hubbies come from work, whereby they greet him at the door, aproned or in a Freedom-maid's outfit, bearing a chilled martini and the offer of a Christian Coalition-sanctioned rogering.


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