August 6, 2005

Things that had coffee coming out of my nose today
The I’m going to Hell edition.

  • The Rude Pundit started it off with “John Roberts Hearts Cocksuckers,” but “Ken Mehlman demanded that Jeff Gannon fuck him harder as he watched the results coming in from the Ohio Second Congressional District race” almost made me lose my lunch.

  • ”You can’t spit without hitting a square inch where Ben Franklin stood, farted, or tweaked some innocent barmaid’s nipple.” - pesky apostrophe, on Philadelphia.

  • ”Sure, court documents suggest that you enjoy stimulating your prostate with a penis shaped vibrator, but that doesn't make you any less masculine. As far as I know there are no allegations that you engage in this activity while dressed like a Catholic schoolgirl - that would make it a problem.” - from the General’s letter to falafel-abusing gasbag Bill O’Reilly.

  • Overheard in NY (via Norbizniz).

  • Billmon’s “Death Takes a Holiday.” Don’t forget to scroll down to the pic.

  • This picture, from Fark:


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