- Ted Rall.
"You call yourself a Christian
I call you a hypocrite
You call yourself a patriot
Well, I think you are full of shit."
- The Rolling Stones, "Sweet Neo Con"
This morning's LJHP* moment: RimJob's mouthbreathing, basement-dwelling pudpullers calling Mick Jagger a "loser."
*LOL - Jebus, how pathetic.
Stolen honor
"How can you ask a soldier to be the last to die for a lie?"
The Bush smear machine tries to pull their Joe Wilson/McCain/Max Cleland swift-boat bullshit on the grieving mother of a soldier killed in the Boy King's bloody Iraq folly. But it may backfire.
If the President's cause is so noble America's families should sacrifice more and more of their children, Cindy [Sheehan] asked, why hasn't he asked his children to serve in Iraq?
Indeed. Why do the Bush twins hate freedom?
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