September 8, 2005

Pic by Robert Chenevert.

We're back. Sorry for the light posting - my dad's been in and out of the hospital with something that might be pleurisy. Or something else. They can't seem to figure it out.

"How much time did the president spend dealing with this emerging crisis while he was on vacation?" - Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid, showing the spineless patsies in the party how it's done.

An 'investigation?' We saw it live!

Like “all the king’s men” in the Humpty Dumpty case, all the smokescreens, denials and counteroffensives in the world will not be able to put President Bush’s credibility back together again following the demonstration of his abject failure of leadership last week that let the Hurricane Katrina disaster swell into a still-unfolding human and national catastrophe of unparalleled proportions.

Sorry, Mr. President, you were caught by live television cameras with your pants wrapped around your ankles for a worldwide audience of billions to see, thanks to an alert news media, first hand. You can’t undo that.

- from an editorial here.


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