September 23, 2005

Roll out the barrel
While it’s easy to dismiss the National Enquirer, it's also often accurate and can hold its own in a libel suit.

Alcoholism is a chronic disease. As the article relates, the Bushling never went for therapy. It would be much more difficult to believe that he would NOT return to drinking! He attributes his miraculous cure from a very real disease to the strength of his Christian faith. However, his faith doesn’t seem strong enough to produce a moral conversion, as he remorselessly engages in lying, killing and torture. It seems that his religiosity, far from being curative, only aggravates his mental illnesses as well.

The Enquirer has the best explanation so far of why Turd Blossom didn't rush to prop up Dubya with another bullhorn in front of a news camera during and after the destruction of New Orléans - Preznit Partypants was drunk as a skunk.


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