January 5, 2006

Bringing honor and integrity back to Washington
'Ten years. That's all it took for Republicans to go from reformers to the most corrupt machine in recent history and perhaps ever.'

The time has come that the American people know exactly what their Representatives are doing here in Washington. Are they feeding at the public trough, taking lobbyist-paid vacations, getting wined and dined by special interest groups? Or are they working hard to represent their constituents?

- indicted, corrupt scumbag and former House majority leader Tom DeLay, 1995. Gee, what a difference unchecked power can make:

[T]he former House majority leader or his associates have visited places of luxury most Americans have never seen, often getting there aboard corporate jets arranged by lobbyists and other special interests.

- the WaPo, 12/05.

As politicians, led by Preznit Privilege, scrambled to "desperately wipe the stink from their financial records" and ditch campaign contributions from disgraced republican felon Jack Abramoff, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich cautioned rethugs on putting all the blame on lobbyists.

"You can't have a corrupt lobbyist unless you have a corrupt member (of Congress) or a corrupt staff. This was a team effort," Gingrich said.

What a beautiful day...

Pic from cuteoverload.com

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