January 24, 2006

Roxxxxxxxxanne - why don't you turn on the red light
CNN WH WHore and chronic masturbator Wolf "pussy galore" Blitzer freedom-creams all over Paul Begala's new asskicking shoes while conservative harridan has conniption.

BLITZER: Here's an argument that was made today in a major speech {"Major speech"?? - Ed.} by General Michael Hayden. The former director of the National Security Agency for a long time, he's now the deputy national intelligence director. And he says - this line that jumped out at me as I read his speech: "Had this program been in effect prior to 9/11, it is my professional judgment that we would have detected some of the 9/11 Al Qaeda operatives in the United States, and we would have identified them as such." That's a strong statement that General Hayden makes. Squee!

BEGALA: But he doesn't back it up. I listened to part of that speech today on the radio, and I was struck when he said that because he doesn't make the case as to how or why. We've had the authority, you just have to go to a judge. It's been done tens of thousands of times. So it's not like they didn't have the authority. They just had to go to a judge. But also, look, we had lots of warning signs. The intelligence community went to the president on August 6th of 2001. They said, "bin Laden has an a plan to attack America, Mr. President." And he went on vacation and played golf. He did nothing. So there's no reason to believe that if General Hayden had the authority that President Bush would have done anything different.

BAY BUCHANAN, Kool-aid drinking harpy: We're at war, you lily-livered commie! War! War without end! Terrist-lover! Why do you hate America?! 9/11!

Fun fact: the illegal, warrantless domestic spying that has caught ZERO TERRORISTS is now to be called the "terrorist surveillance program". America-hater.


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