January 4, 2006

Around the intarwebs
"[W] is not the slack-jawed, backy-chawin’ goober he pretends to be. He’s a pampered, prep-schooled aristocrat, born to parents whose combined lineage includes America’s wealthiest and WASP-iest families." - Pensito Review, Confessions of a ‘Bush Hater’.

State senator behind pro-marriage bill gets divorced.

2005: the year in review - in haiku form, at the Rude Pundit.

Commenting on an "ongoing investigation," Scott? So what's up with Karl these days? Oh, and how's your mom? :: snicker ::

Last throes.

Letterman to Bill O'Reilly: "60% of what you say is crap."

Preznit Peabrain's poll numbers in pooper again.

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