February 10, 2006

Fox "News" aired photos of aliens attacking Library Tower
Space aliens.

Superhero George W Bush saves America from fictional attack on skyscraper! From Media Matters:

In a February 9 speech, President Bush disclosed details of what he described as a foiled Al Qaeda plot to fly a commercial plane into the tallest building in Los Angeles. Shortly after his speech concluded, Fox News aired numerous images from the 1996 film Independence Day showing the reported target of the attack -- the Library Tower, now known as the U.S. Bank Tower -- being destroyed by alien invaders.

:: giggle ::

And while Faux News' weird-hair-guy was having terrgasms over the Bush speech, the Pensito Review found that the foiled terror plot made no sense whatsoever:

SHOE BOMBER to FLIGHT ATTENDANT: Let me in the cockpit or I will blow up the plane with my shoe!

FLIGHT ATTENDANT: Hmm. I’ll bet you want in there so you can fly the plane into a building — so do your worst. I’m not letting you in the cockpit.

SHOE BOMBER: Dang! It never occurred to me that you would say that!

Or let’s assume he gets into the cockpit:

SHOE BOMBER to PILOT: Fly this plane into the Liberty Tower or I will blow it up with my shoe!

PILOT: Uh, I’ve never heard of the “Liberty Tower” and anyway, no — go ahead and blow up the plane.

SHOE BOMBER: Double dang! These Infidels are too smart for me!

The crew would have no reason to comply with shoe bomber’s demands. What do they have to lose? They and the passengers are going to die in either case.
There is something missing in this story. Or the president lied.

Huh. Possible? Well, the L.A. Mayor is saying WTF.

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