February 9, 2006

Oh please
Bush claims his war on terra averted attacks. That sound you hear is everyone's Crap Detector going off.

Hell, I personally thwarted 80 or so! Prove I didn't!

The White House has given details of 10 "major terror plots" that [the Lying Smirkmonkey] says have been foiled by the US and its allies since the 11 September attacks.

Mr Bush cited the disrupted plans in a speech, designed to boost support for the so-called war on terror. They include a plot to use hijacked aircraft to hit the US East and West coasts and to attack Heathrow Airport. But the sketchy details provided by the White House make it hard to assess how serious or advanced the plans were...

Or how many were the "two guys trying to bring down the Brooklyn Bridge with screwdrivers" type. Show me the convictions, asshat, then we'll talk.

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