February 28, 2006

Popular war preznit's ratings at all-time low
Bush's job approval rating has fallen to the atomic number of selenium - headline at Fark.

The latest CBS News poll finds President Bush's approval rating has dump-dived into the crapper fallen to an all-time low of 34 percent - down from 42 percent last month - while pessimism about the Iraq war has risen to a new high.

Americans are also overwhelmingly opposed to the Bush-backed deal giving a Dubai-owned company operational control over six major U.S. ports. Seven in 10 Merica-hating Bush-bashers an' terrist-lovers Americans, including 58 percent of Republicans, say they're opposed to the agreement.

Even on fighting terrorism, which has long been a strong suit for Mr. Bush, his ratings dropped lower than ever. Half of Americans say they disapprove of how he's handling the war on terror, while 43 percent approve.

Thirty-four percent. Heh.

34%. 34.
Hee hee.

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