April 21, 2006

Land of the free
"The Constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper!"

As our dear Freedom Preznit urged China's President Hu to allow Chinese citizens to "speak freely," an American protester speaking freely was muffled and whisked away by the secret service. Now she may be charged with a federal crime.

Last night, officials with the Secret Service, which eventually dragged Wenyi Wang away and arrested her -- literally seconds after Bush called on China to permit more free speech -- said they are seriously considering charging Wang with an obscure federal offense, intimidating a foreign official.

According to our research, Wang -- a permanent US resident who reportedly practices pathology at Mt. Sinai Hospital -- could face a fine and federal prison time of up to six months.

'I'm sorry this happened,' the Dictator-tot said to Hu as the woman was dragged off by his imperial stormtroopers.

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