June 24, 2006

How big of an asshat IS Rush Limbaugh?
Limbaugh to "24" creators: "You got lucky with 9/11 happening shortly after the show started."

Limbaugh peppered the panel over whether "24" influences public perceptions about counterterrorism, and whether the actors are snubbed by Hollywood liberals for participating in what Limbaugh called a "pro-America show."

Gregory Itzin, who plays the nefarious President Charles Logan, said he has had to defend himself from one or two people "about the fact that the show does have torture issues and how could I live with that."

"It's a show!" he said. "I've done Shakespeare and have killed people with a sword."

Later, Limbaugh went back to the program's creation, saying: "You got lucky with 9/11 happening shortly after the show started." [Whatever, druggie. And 9/11 happened about a month BEFORE. You fucking pukebag. - Ed.] He quickly stopped himself, saying: "Sorry — not got lucky — bad choice of words." At another point, he offered a story line for a political cameo: Democratic Rep. John P. Murtha of Pennsylvania, a tough critic of the Bush administration's Iraq policy, as "head of the new KGB." [Gee, I thought that was Dick Cheney - Ed.]

David Heyman, a homeland security expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, said "24" may give the public a false impression of how fast and easy it is to battle terrorists and other threats against the nation. Agreed Heritage's James Jay Carafano: "If we're waiting for Washington to do something before we can start saving lives, we're all going to die."

No shit.

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