September 21, 2006

Good fucking God
But... but... but... Clinton!

One of RimJob's mouthbreathers finds himself in a quandary when his "moonbat" mom tells him Preznit Privilege is "uncaring" and "unempathetic" to people:

Of course, I know he visits Walter Reed and other military hospitals, and meets regularly with the families affected by 9-11 and the greater WOT {He does?? When was this?? - Ed.}. What the hell did BJ Clinton do in similar circumstances? I want to show her the difference between the two.
Ummm, fuckwit, I don't seem to recall thousands of people getting killed in terrorist attacks and thousands more getting killed or maimed in an unending vanity war when ol' 'BJ' was president. Durrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Asshat.

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