September 29, 2006

Resistance "to do" list

I hadn't gotten much past "renew passport" when I saw Bitch, Ph.D.'s post on the subject. (Love her!) It's a great start:

  • Mail in my registration to vote at my new address today.
  • This weekend, talk to Mr. B. about volunteering, money, and a strategy for what to do about the upcoming election.
  • As I get to know the other parents at PK's school, ask what they think about the upcoming election, the new law suspending habeas corpus, etc.
  • Convince my dad, who lives in a reddish part of a blue state, that he has both the time and responsibility to call *his* local Democratic organization and volunteer to help register/get out the vote.
  • Call *my* local Democratic organization and volunteer to help with whatever.
  • Join the ACLU.

Any of you all got other suggestions of the peaceful, lawful kind? (Extra points for fun and creative.)


(image from

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