October 25, 2006

Defeatists call for cutting and running, enabling the terrists
Only this time, one of the defeatists is Bush family consigliere and election-fixer James Baker, whose report on the Iraq fiasco boils down to three words: forget democracy, dude.

Policymakers are abuzz with the explosive recommendations for U.S. policy toward Iraq soon to be released by the Baker-Hamilton Commission: Abandon democracy, seek political compromise with the Sunni insurgents, and engage Tehran and Damascus as partners to secure stability in their neighbor.

Former secretary of state James Baker and former representative Lee Hamilton said they would withhold their report until after the elections on November 7 to avoid its politicization.
- via the rightwingnut FrontPageRag.

Another defeatist is Preznit Shitforbrains: The Moonie Times reports that Bush is planning to overturn the elections in Iraq: Iraqi army officers are reportedly planning to stage a military coup with US help to oust the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Ah, purple-fingered democratude... thanks for the photo-op, now fuck you.

- m

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