October 29, 2006

Still here. . .

Apologies to all, especially Maru, who as usual has been doing all the work around here. Lameitude, a rotten cold, and stupid homeowning issues have kept me from my desk. But no way will I miss this last week before the election! Anyway, here's a list of things I saw out of the corner of my eye while mopping up the laundry room flood and listening to every drain in my house go bloop bloop bloop:

Rethug family values: it's bad, b-a-a-a-d, for Democratic candidates to take porn money. But gay porn money is fine and dandy for Rethug candidates. Hypocritical asshattery or asshattish hypocrisy--take your pick!

Freedom-hatin'--it's not just for Islamist tools: Pretzelnit McFascist signed a revised Insurrection Act that gives him the power to declare public emergencies within the United States' borders and deploy National Guard troops within our borders. Think he's scared of what might happen if the Rethugs try to steal this election?

"Everything Rush Limbaugh says means the same thing": Lance Mannion pwns the living shit out of Limpballs and his listeners. (Thanks to Lex for the link.)

The Kool-Aid continues to wear off: Bob Schieffer to Mehlman--you're lame. (via AMERICAblog)


"No, Kitty, don't look!" "Aaaaaah, too late!"

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