November 2, 2006

"Kerry botched a joke. Bush botched a war." - comment on the interwebs.

Dean to Awol McStupid: fuck you, you pansy-assed chickenhawk twerp
Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean yesterday ripped into Bush for his comments regarding John Kerry:

"I think it also focuses on the President's own 'intemperate' language," Dean told reporters. "Saying that voting for Democrats is voting for the terrorists to win, I think is intemperate, especially coming from a guy who is criticising someone who did serve, and President Bush has never served."
I want to when Bush is going to apologize for "Bring 'em on!" or "Mission Accomplished." Or "I'm pleased with the progress we're making" in Iraq. Or calling the coffins of our dead soldiers "trans-shipments." Or "just a comma." Or "I know those WMDs are around here somewhere..." Or leaving one of soldiers behind enemy lines this week. Or "They've got [number of troops in Iraq that] they can live with." Or 3000 lives. Or "Lucky me, I hit the Trifecta."..

- m

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