November 21, 2006

Who would Jesus vote for?
Fundie republicans review the GOP front-runners for the 2008 Presidential nomination, and guess what - they're all morally unacceptable.

Rudy Giuliani
Lived with a couple of gay guys
Dresses in drag
Talks with a lisp
Conclusion: Gay, or a gay symp

John McCain
The McCain-Feingold bill
Supports amnesty and a guest worker plan for illegal immigrants
Publically supported a Mexican for the national GOP chair
Opposes the federal Marriage Protection amendment
Conclusion: kissed Bush's ass so many times that he must be gay

Newt Gingrich
He considers FDR the greatest president of the 20th century. Not Reagan - FDR
Waffled on abortion, gay rights and traditional marriage
Fails to stress pro-life, marriage, or religious liberty issues
A noted adulterer, he has been married and divorced twice, and is currently on his 3rd wife
Conclusion: may not be gay. Unless it's for FDR.

Mitt Romney
Supports the gayification of the Boy Scouts
He has been endorsed - twice! - by the homosexual "Log Cabin Republicans"
He endorses Ted Kennedy's federal "gay rights" legislation!!
Conclusion: gay. Gay gay gay.

This is gonna be good.
- m

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