December 3, 2006

No pandering here
Unless you're George Will.

Eleanor Clift: Senator-elect Jim Webb showed almost superhuman restraint in replying to Awol McAsshat. He could have asked how the drunken Bush whore-twins are doing, partying their way across Argentina, while his son was thisclose to being blown up in Iraq.

A president snubbed by a junior senator-elect and then, more tellingly by the puppet prime minister in Iraq, should be wondering where he went wrong, not the other way around.

It’s justice long overdue for a president who has so abused the symbols of war to get his comeuppance from a battlefield hero who personifies real toughness as opposed to fake toughness. Bush struts around with this bullying frat-boy attitude, and he gets away with it because nobody stands up to him.
Heh - maybe Webb should've closed the conversation with "go fuck yourself." That seems to be the language Chimpy and his keepers understand.

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