December 6, 2006

Panel: Try diplomacy in Iraq, then leave
No, really, that's the headline. Sort of like hey baby, thanks for the f***. You were great. I'm outta here.

The US is facing a "grave and deteriorating" situation in Iraq, the Baker panel told Awol McDumbass today, warning that if the situation continues to deteriorate, there is a risk of a "slide toward chaos that could trigger the collapse of Iraq's government and a humanitarian catastrophe."

"Neighboring countries could intervene. .... The global standing of the United States could be diminished. Americans could become more polarized."

Bush said the report "gives a very tough assessment of the situation in Iraq. It is a report that brings some really very interesting proposals, and we will take every proposal seriously and we will act in a timely fashion."
In other words, OK, you covered your ass, now get out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said... punctual wines