January 27, 2007

For Terry!

President Clinton to contact head of Disney over rekindled "Path to 9/11" controversy
No, not Walt's cryogenically-frozen one, though it might be more reasonable than the gpuke-sucking one that's in power now.

John at AmericaBlog reports:

President Clinton's office has just informed me that they're "taking it all the way to the top at Disney to find out why they're not enforcing copyright" in this matter.

Disney/ABC have announced that they have no intention of enforcing their copyright in this matter. In fact, ABC's Entertainment president has said that he believes the already-proven-wrong documentary is 100% factual.

This is beyond sickening. It's an outright effort by Disney/ABC to not only rewrite the history of 9/11, but to influence the presidential race against Hillary Clinton. That is the only reason these allegations are again coming up the week that Hillary announces her presidential run. Disney/ABC are getting involved in politics, trying to influence our presidential elections. And that, my friends, is going to be their end of their company. Someone needs to remind Disney/ABC of just who is in charge of Congress, and just who is very likely to win the presidency in less than 24 months.

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