January 27, 2007

WH pet attorney general handpicking political loyalists to fill vacant US attorneys slots
"Vacant" because their former owners were fired by the White House.

Alberto Gonzales is transforming the ranks of the nation's top federal prosecutors into SS-like Dictatortot-asslicking minions by firing some and appointing conservative loyalists from the Bush administration's inner circle who critics say are unlikely to buck Washington.

The newly appointed attorneys all have impressive legal credentials, but most of them have few, if any, ties to the communities they've been appointed to serve, and some have had little experience as prosecutors.

Being named a U.S. attorney "has become a prize for doing the bidding of the White House or administration," said Laurie Levenson, a former federal prosecutor. A Justice Department spokesman said it was "reckless" to suggest that politics had influenced the appointment process.
Oh sure. 'Cause when have they ever lied to us?

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